Well Met Seeker!
We are so honored that you have embarked on this journey with us! To help you navigate our site, we have set up some areas for you to explore that are created to help you get started! We have also posted some "quick links" on the right, so that you can quicly navigate to the help section that you seek.

If you look to the left navigation, you will find direct access to all of our categories, private groups, upcoming events, spiritual products and of course our amazing experts! Feel free to click around and check things out!

Along the top navigation bar (the purple one) you can access your SGN profile, check on your messages, find other members on the network, and…if you are an explorer by nature, you can jump right in and visit the forum tab! It is here, that you will find all of the intriguing conversations that are going on in the network!

The very first conversation that you will see in there is the Welcome board - Please feel free to pop in and introduce yourself to the group if you haven't done so already! To do this, simply go to the general board and click on welcome.

Further exploration in the forum will reveal all of the public discussions for each spiritual category available. Our spiritual experts have posted some valuable information that is aimed to help you to decide which area of studies most resonate with you. You can also post questions here and read some of the previously asked questions. To visit any of the public discussion boards, simply click on them and you can interact from there!

If you are looking for a more private area to explore advanced studies, you can apply to any of the private groups for free! In fact, you can apply to as many as you'd like. Joining a private group can be done from your profile. Simply click on the groups tab and select from there! For more detailed information about a group, visit the private groups directory located to the left of this page!

Last but certainly not least, let’s talk about the live audio and video classes. (presented by our very gifted Spiritual Experts!) You can find all of our listed classes by looking at the bottom of this page, visiting the forum section, in the calendar/upcoming events, or by way of the welcome page!

Once again, welcome to the community. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you along your journey!


Michelle & Sha